Improvisation For Storytellers (Full day or 3 hour workshop model available*)
This workshop is geared for Storytellers and Storylisteners. No previous experience in improvisation is necessary!
Applied Improvisation is a very powerful way to unlock and heighten creativity. It can be used as a tool to improve many skills and occupations, including storytelling, creative writing, public performance, management, team-building, group interactions and social speaking to name just a few. At the core of improvisation is the art of being present and in the moment. The side effects of this may include increased energy and presence, sharper responses, quicker thought and the ability to think outside the box much easier!
I am very passionate about improvisation, and delighted when I get to discover successful marriages between art forms! I started a night in Galway called Moth and Butterfly where improvisation, true stories, and other stories mingle together and complement each other. The results each night continue to surprise and inspire me, and I am very proud of this exciting project. I would love to share some of the work I do, and the skills I have, to further people’s own passion, and help build on their own individual styles of telling a story!
Areas covered in the workshop include:
- Character – tools to bring your characters to life even more in your stories
- Spontaneity – tools to respond to your audience on the fly
- Listening and observation – sharpen these skills and use them to create new stories.
- Play – bringing the sense of play into your telling and upping your energy.
- From Scratch – using a simple story ‘scaffold’ to create brand new stories instantly
- What comes next – telling a single story as a group
- Bring what you know – your story, life knowledge and personality are all you need
- Truth is cool – open up, tell a truth and feel the tingle!
In the ‘Improvisation for Storytellers’ workshop, we will begin by warming up and actually playing as a group. This allows people to be more relaxed and creative throughout the session. We will be looking at Storytelling, how it connects us as humans, through the lens of improvisation. We will explore how to get the juices flowing in actually making a new story, and how to eliminate creative blocks. We will look and simplicity in structure, as well as twists. We will play ‘games’ that exercise the spontaneity muscle, allowing us to ‘get out of our own way’ when creating a story. We will be moving around physically a lot, emphasizing telling (and listening!) with the whole body, and how this can improve our craft. We will use improvisation to explore stage presence and vocal projection, and play with size and volume as another tool in telling
We will look at some existing stories in our repertoire, and examine how we can deepen and strengthen any characters that emerge. We will make new stories on the spot, and we will tell brand new stories as a group. We will look at ways to include our audience even further in our storytelling, when required. Most of all we will have an enormous amount of fun! (*full day workshop).
* I have also designed a 3 hour ‘Storytelling & Improvisation’ workshop that primarily focuses on the uses of storytelling skills in improv, but draws on many of the topics mentioned above (in a more condensed manner). In the shorter workshop the emphasis is on the Improvised Story skillset and highlights the ‘truth based’ monologue.
A Big Day of Play – Improv Theatre Intensive
Explore the foundations of Comedy and Theatrical Improvisation with acclaimed Performer and Facilitator Órla Mc Govern (Artistic Director: The Spontaneous Theatre People, The Sky Babies, Moth and Butterfly). In the workshop we will be playing with some essentials from the improvisation toolbox, including, games, character, truth, status, listening, storytelling and spontaneity. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring some water and snacks for break. A notebook and pen is useful but not essential. Also be prepared to have fun, laugh out loud, be silly and surprised, boost your brain-power and amaze yourself! All levels, beginners to old pros, are welcome (full day workshop).
Intro To Improv
A delicious taster Improv workshop , lead by acclaimed performer and facilitator Órla Mc Govern. (Artistic Director: The Spontaneous Theatre People, The Sky Babies, Moth and Butterfly) This workshop explores the foundations of comedy and theatricalimprovisation. Be prepared to have fun, laugh out loud, be silly and surprised, boost your brain-power and amaze yourself! All levels, beginners to old pros, are welcome! Age range 16+ (2 hours)
IMPROVISE! (in bold characters)
Make the stage your truly be your playground and never be stuck for an interesting choice. This workshop will help you create instant and believable characters of all shapes and sizes. We’ll explore space and the limitless amount of ‘stuff’ there is to use onstage, and bring truth to our physicality. True characters always know what to say even if you don’t!
Improv Lab
Órla facilitates an ongoing ‘Improv Lab’ in Galway that meets regularly and explores the different schools of Improv. Email for more details.
Reveal Your Story
A workshop to create a story from scratch – whether a gem from your own experience, a tale of a beloved grandparent, a brand new tale or a legend from your locality, we will explore the best ways to compose, research, create and tell. We will make spontaneous stories and look at all the wonders that live in a storyteller’s toolbox!
Órla’s workshops have been hosted by: Irish Festival of Oulu (Finland), Improliga (Prague, Czech Republic), IMPRO Bucharest, Romania (various), Improfest, Gothenburg, Sweden Galway Workshop Festival (Intro to Improv), Galway Actors’ Studio (A Big Day of Play) summer and winter sessions, Harbour Playhouse, Dublin, Storytellers of Ireland (Improvisation for Storytellers), Finland International Improv Festival (Walk Like A (Wo) Man), Improv Fest Ireland (IMPROVISE! (in bold characters)), Improvember Munich, Germany (Surprise Workshop, and The Improv Toy Box Intensive), Barcelona Improv Festival (Walk Like A (Wo) Man and Improvisation For Storytellers ), Irish Festival of Oulu, Finland, (Intro to Improv, Improvisation For Storytellers), Festival Strasbourg Theatre De L’Oignion (Walk Like A Woman), Strasbourg, France, ongoing Improv Labs in Galway with The Spontaneous Theatre People as well as Corporate Clients including Google and Linked In.